[mongodb-dev] MongoDB 4.1.1 is released
'Ramon Fernandez' via mongodb-dev
2018-07-27 16:06:04 UTC
The Server Team is excited to announce that MongoDB 4.1.1 is ready for
testing. Among the numerous bug fixes and improvements
delivered in the past three weeks, some major projects we’ve completed

Migration Performance and Diagnostics Improvements

This project further extends the performance improvements of the balancer
started in 3.4, introducing support for multiple incoming migrations per
shard, and extending diagnostic information for easier troubleshooting.

Metadata Notification Types for Change Streams

With the introduction of change streams on all collections in a
database/sharded cluster, it is desirable to keep the change stream open
when an individual collection is dropped/renamed. For change streams
watching an entire cluster, the change stream will also return an entry
when an individual database is dropped.

Removal of Deprecated Functionality

This release removes the previously deprecated functionality: db.eval
<https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-33662>, group command
<https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-28524>, geonear command
<https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-35043>, and maxScan query option

All Issues
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The MongoDB Server Team
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